My Favorite Places in Phoenix

I’ve lived in Phoenix my whole life, all 35 years. It’s safe to say I know this city pretty darn well. Not every part of it, of course, because Phoenix is a big, booming metropolis and I’m not a fan of driving long distances. But there are certain places I visit over and over again […]

How Realizing I’m an Introvert Changed My Life

Okay, this title may be a bit hyperbolic. I wouldn’t say realizing I’m an introvert changed my life so drastically that my world shifted on its axis. But once I realized that I have many of the introvert tendencies, when I looked back at some key moments in my life, I finally understood why they […]

My 2019 Vision Board

I’m tackling a slightly more serious issue this week instead of my usual rant or rave about entertainment: vision boards. More specifically, my own person vision board that I just created.

My Issues with Christmas

I love a lot of things about Christmas. The lights, decorating the tree, baking and frosting cookies, debating whether or not to force my dog to wear a Santa hat and take pictures of him, and, most importantly, spending more time with my beloved family. One big aspect of Christmas I’ve turned against over the […]

I Don’t Mind the Heat

This week it’s going to hit 120. Ah, Phoenix, how I love you. Okay, not really. 120 degree-heat sucks. And everyone in the Valley is going to be talking about how much 120 degree-heat sucks. Heck, we’re already talking about it and it hasn’t even happened yet.